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Monday, August 15, 2016

Trying To Make Some Extra Cash? 11 High-Paying Jobs You Should Consider

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So, you finally landed your dream job but living your dream isn’t paying your electricity bill. Or perhaps you have an excessive shopping habit and your regular salary simply can’t keep up. Whatever your situation, your day job isn’t providing you with the financial satisfaction you were hoping for, and now you want to find some extra work to bring in some extra cash. There’s no shame in having a job on the side.
Fortunately, there are dozens of easy jobs that can generate a surprising amount of income — as long as you commit to them. Here are 11 of those high-paying jobs.

1. Copyeditor

Writing is an invaluable skill and it is slowly but surely dying, even in the information age. Thus, companies will pay big bucks (or about $17 per hour) to those who are equipped with impeccable grammar for writing and editing various types of copy, from social media posts to editorial content.

2. Accountant

If you are a whiz with bookkeeping, there are a number of companies that desperately need your help. Part-time accountants come into an office and reconcile disparities between money in and money out. For this nail-bitingly necessary work, you can expect to take home roughly $19 per hour.

3. Photographer

Being a photographer is much more than taking pictures — it requires a detailed knowledge of lighting, composition, and editing to create magnificent images of people, places, and things. Professional photographers — meaning those who take pictures as their primary career — charge as much as $100 per hour. As a part-time photographer, you might start out charging around $20 per hour and work your way up. Of course, you will need to invest in some serious equipment first.

4. Translator

Although English is spoken far and wide, there remain a number of professions that require regular interaction with non-English speakers that need translation help. For example, legal assistants with foreign language experience can earn about $21 per hour by helping review legal documents and conversing with clients.

5. Tutor

Knowledge is power — the power to make money. Tutoring students, be they children in grade school or adults at college, is incredibly profitable, but the amount you charge is dependent on your experience and availability. Some tutors can charge more than $30 per hour, but most take home about $20 per hour.

6. Driver

Now that Uber and similar apps have made the driving profession easier to navigate, almost anyone can make money driving their own cars. In big cities, Uber claims drivers can take home $90,000 a year. However, that’s without the costs of gasoline, maintenance, and insurance. More realistically, you can expect to earn about $20 per hour driving.

7. Social Media Manager

Modern businesses live and die by their social media campaigns, which makes correctly managing social accounts incredibly lucrative. Social media gurus can earn up to $25 per hour by updating companies’ websites, overseeing their social media, and drafting reports on efficacy.

8. Investment Trader

The stock market is a veritable treasure trove for side hustlers. Though trading on the market is inarguably risky, traders with knowledge and skill can certainly make big bucks. What you take out of the market is wholly dependent on what you put in and how you trade, but you should be cautious while learning the ropes.

9. Software Developer

It likely isn’t necessary to explain how in demand software developers are in a world where online apps sell for billions of dollars. Payment for software developers is usually on a per-project basis, but experienced workers can earn around $30 per hour. Of course, this is a highly skilled trade — you must know how to create new websites and apps, update old ones, build templates, and more.

10. Travel Blogger

If travel is at the top of your bucket list, you can prep for your future trips as a travel blogger. Tourism and real estate companies contract writers to develop content about certain places (including information on population size, things to do, climate, and more) to entice visitors. For this opportunity, you could earn between $50 and $100 per project.

11. Nanny/Au Pair

You might remember taking home bank when you babysat your neighbor’s toddlers. As an adult, you can still make money watching other people’s kids by becoming a nanny or au pair. Part-time nannies can earn about $20 per hour, while live-in au pairs make weekly salaries that range from $100 to $300 or more.

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