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Friday, October 14, 2016

Complete On Page Search Engine Optimization Guide

Search engine optimization Guide
Well Designed Website make a sale. Please take some time to seriously evaluate your website and  follow the steps provided in this guide that can help your to achieve high ranking in the search engine and can bring a lots of targeted traffic to your website. If you are able to implement  the recommended methods in this guide. I am  100% sure, Your site will be in the top 10 in all the search engines.
Following are the most important factors any search engine give while ranking any  website in their algorithm.

Title tag, The main body Text, Meta tag, Link popularity, Domain Name, Heading Tags, No of Keywords, Bold and Italics, Folder Name, Image Alt Tag , Title attribute and keyword in the beginning of the sentences.
On the Basis of their importance, we can rank them as follows
Title Tag2.0
Link Popularity2.0
The Main Body Text1.5
Domain Name1.0
Keyword Density1.0
Heading Tags0.5
Proximity of Keywords0.5
Bold or Italic0.4
Folder or Filename0.4
Meta Description0.3
Alt Tag0.2
Title Attribute0.1
Meta Keywords0.1
Total Score10

Title Tag

Title tag is the Most important tag of your webpage.It is Basically short description of  your website, and the most important keywords ( words ) must go here.  Must see video on Keywords research on Google adwords Keywords tool.
Every webpage must have a title tag and that must be unique.Don’t use the same title tag multiple times in your website. It should be inserted inside your webpage like this . Two most recommended tools for finding keywords are Google Adwords Tool for HTML based webpages and Keyword Spinner for WordPress.
  1. <head>
  2. <title> 101 Search Engine Optimization Guide Tips </title>
  3. </head>

How to write better Title Tag

  1. .It should always appear just after the heading tag <head>.
  2. It should be specific and must contain your desired keywords or phrases
  3. Use only keywords and phrases that are also available in your body text on your Page
  4. You can use the same keyword twice to attain more keyword density, But make it very sure they must not appear side by side.
  5. 6-12 words ( Less than 60 Characters) are considered as a good length for a title tag.
  6. Consider using both form of the keywords i,e singular and plural form of the keyword.
  7. It should be readable like a  phrase that make some grammatical and logical sense, not collection of keywords.
  8. Try to place your primary keyword and the starting of the title tag.
  9. Keep the words in Title case ( Example 101 Search Engine Optimization Tips )
  10. Make sure to avoid search engine stop words or words Like Home, Index, No-Index, Default etc.
  11. Avoid using superlative in your title Tag like Cheapest, fastest, The best , Oldest  etc.)
  12. Try to Minimize the use of Commas in the title tag.
  13. Strive for Keyword Density between 25-30% for each Keyword.
  14. Always remember to close this tag with </title>
  15. All pages must have unique and Descriptive Keyword Phrases in the title. One page of your site may be Seen as more relevant for a particular keyword when compared to another )
  16. Try to Keep title tag as Unique as possible in your  website.
  17. Do not Change your title tags regularly.
  1. <title> Kerla, backwater, Land,river </title>
  2. <title> money, online, earn <title/>
  1. <title> Kerla- The Land of river and Backwater </title>
  2. <title> Earn Money Online </title>

The Main Body Text

How to write better Main Body Tag

  1. Keyword Prominence :Make sure to put the Most important keywords in the Beginning of your carefully crafted Paragraph at the beginning of your Page.A Keyword that appear nearer to the top of the page area will be considered the most important keyword/keywords.
  2. Keyword Density : If your page contains less than 500 words. Keeping 1-3% keyword is considered a better one, if your page contains more than 500 words, your can consider between 3 to 5% keywords.
  3. Try to provide minimum 250 words and maximum 750 words in each page. This is not a hard and Fast rule but it is observed that long pages are often bypassed by the visitors.
  4. Use CSS instead of <Font> Tags.
  5. Try to avoid all java scripts that are coming through   some external files.
  6. Try to avoid image button and Java scripts  links,try to keep in pure text links.
  7. Use heading tags ( h1,h2,h3) . Most search engine love h1,h2,h3 tags. Try to put your important keywords or phrases here.
  8. Repeat the <Title> tag in the page heading if possible.
  9. keyword Proximity : It refers to the closeness between two or more than two keywords.Try to keep as close as possible your possible keywords or phrases , which is generally searched on the internet as a single phrase.
  10. Place some important keywords in Bold and Italic.
  11. Use alt tag to Describe your images.Alt tag are used to define the images, if the user turned off the graphics. This description will appear in that placeholder. Some Searching engine including Google search keywords in alt tags also.
  12. Insert comments tag in your Pages. Some search engine even read these comment, so you can use this feature to get some more traffic from these unknown search engines.
  13. Make sure the code of your home page should not bigger than 32K. Put only the most relevant  and  important information on your Home page.
  14. Try to keep Your font size to a minimum of 11px or 12px. These are highly  recommended font size.
  15. Try to avoid nested Loops ,Specially in <Tables>. Instead of table try to use CSS to present your data in Tabular format or USE list tags.
  16. Use W3C technologies and Guidelines. Recommended browser is firefox with web development plugins to check your CSS and HTML.
  17. Try to target only two or three main keywords for a whole website.
  18. Try to avoid same keyword multiple times in the same row.
  19. Update your body text on regular intervals. ( Many Search Engine prefers website, which update it’s contents on regular basis )

Meta Tags

Meta tags are the tags which appear after the title tag in the code of your webpage.These are used to basically attract the search engines. The basic Syntax of meta tags are as follows
  1. <HEAD>
  2. <TITLE> Your page Title goes Here </TITLE>
  3. <META name =”description” content =”Type your Description Here” </META>
  4. <META name=”Keywords” content=”type, your keywords, or  phrase here”</META>
  5. </HEAD>

How to Better USE Meta Description Tag

<META name =”description” content =”Type your Description Here” </META>
  1. Write your meta description in sentence structure.
  2. Should be relevant to the similar 25-30 word (under 150 characters) description of the first text within the visible page.
  3. Do not repeat your keywords more than 3 times in description tag. If you need, make alternatives (e.g. ‘prescription’ and ‘prescriptions’ can be used 3 times each).
  4. Minimize the use of “stop words” such as “and, the, of”.
  5. Keyword phrases that appear earliest in the Meta description will generally receive higher ranking value.
  6. Try to include this tag in all pages by describing the content and it should be unique.
  7. Don’t load your Meta description with only keywords.
  8. Strive for 6%-20% keyword density.
  9. Use different Meta description tag for each pages.

How to Better Use META Keyword Tag

<META name=”keywords” content=”your keywords, go here, separated by a comma”>
  1. Keep 100 to 250 characters to get better results.
  2. Start with the most important and then proceed to less important. Do not provide more than 5 or 6 keywords here.
  3. Use keywords or Phrases  related to your niche.
  4. Do not repeat any word more than 3 times.
  5. Do not place repeated keywords close together.
  6. If your site has content of interest to a specific geographic location be sure to include the actual location in your keyword Meta.
  7. Use keywords that are actually on the page and reflect the essence of your content.
  8. Try to use keywords in your Meta keywords tag with comma, not by space.
  9. Try to use small case in keyword/phrases
    (eg: replace the keyword phrase – “Website Design” with “website design”)
  10. Strive for 4%-10% keyword density.

Spider Friendly Navigation

Tips on Creating Spider Friendly Navigation

  1. Use keyword/phrase that best describes the target page.
  2. Always use your primary keywords in the link text least one or more on the page.
  3. Try to place your primary keywords at the starting of a link text if possible.
  4. Try to use Title Attribute in the text links.
    eg: <a href=”yourpage.html” title=”Describe this page.”>The link label goes here</a>
  5. Avoid using image maps, if needed make it sure to add text links at the bottom of all pages
  6. Do not use long text; limit 40-50 characters in a link text.
  7. Avoid using JavaScript links
  8. Create text links and use a common navigational menu for all the pages.
  9. Make sure the pages on your site to be linked to one another, especially the home page.
  10. Try to include a Site map if you have more than 30 pages. ( Google XML sitemap  is one of the best sitemap generator plugin for wordpress )
  11. Submit an XML site map to Google, yahoo,Bing and other major search engine.
  12. Limit the number of links per page to less than 20 for better results.
  13. If your Website using Flash, make it sure to add text links at the bottom of the page as a supplement to the Flash navigation. (Google now takes links from Flash)
  14. Try to use keyword phrases in the HTML and image file names
  15. Keep your file names hyphenated (eg: http://www.make-money-online.htm)
Bad practice:
  1. <a href=”makemoneyonlien001.html”>click here</a>
  2. <a href=”makemoneyonline.html”>Money</a>
Good practice:
  1. <a href=”new-york-hotels.htm”>List of hotels in New York</a>
  2. <a href=”make-money-online-games”>Make Money Online Games</a>

Increase Link Popularity

A Good optimized Website with higher link popularity will always rank higher in the search engines as compared to other having poor link popularity.

Tip to increase Link Popularity

  1. Try to get reciprocal link between the site having same interest  or same type of business/Industry.
  2. Incoming Links should use your  keywords. Whenever you are trying to exchange links use your keywords as the title of your Links
  3. Links to others with higher page rank. You can use Google toolbar to check page rank information of any website.
  4. Include your reciprocal page link from the main page of your website.
  5. Avoid using link text such as “Links”, “Link Exchange” Use “Resource”, “Sites to watch”,” Friends  and Partner”,”Networked Sites”
  6. Try to build Link categories which best match your keywords or your site
  7. Do not Provide more than 20 links per page, if required split them into pages.
  8. Try to use brief information along with each outgoing links
  9. Find out relevant blogs and forums without software, Post good comment on these sites to get some quality back-link to your site .

Some Useful General Tips for Search Engine Optimization

  1. Make sure your website is complete in all aspect, Spell check , online before submitting to all the major search engine.
  2. Try to include robot.txt , so that crawler should not index unwanted directories.
  3. if a site was developed in some other language other than HTML like flash. Make is very sure crawlers have some static information to index. This static information must contain your vital keywords
  4. Try to register your site in Dmoz if it is not already registered there.
  5. Read each Search engine guideline exclusively and follow them strictly.
  6. Use relevant meta tags in all the Pages
  7. Use a proper keyword density checker software for your website pages. if these are HTML based then use SEO software like IBP ,WebCEO, if your website is based on wordpress YOAST SEO is highly recommended.
  8. If you are using FRAMES, try to include<noframes></noframes> tags  with keyword rich contents in the main page.i,e the page contains <FRAMES>.
  9. Keep your all contents in the root directory if possible. it will be easier for the crawler to search and index and also takes less time to load.
  10. Don’t use image links in the main pages. if anyhow used make use of ALT tags properly. Alt tags must contain your desired keywords.
  11. Do not try to cover too many topics on the same pages. it dilutes the relevancy of your main keywords.
  12. Try to include your company’s physical address on the main page, if possible include a Telephone Number.
  13. Make Sure your home page must load in less than 6-8 seconds. Install Google Page speedto check your Landing page Loading time and some general suggestion to improve it.
  14. Optimize your Images and try to keep it as low as possible. Smush-it is a popular wordpress plugin to optimize your webpage on wordpress Plate-form.
  15. Don’t include more than 100 outgoing links from your home page.
  16. Try to use CSS and always call them in <HEAD> tag.
  17. Use Longer or plural versions of your keywords also wherever .possible.
  18. Try to register your domain name with your targeted keywords or phrases separate keywords with hyphens.
  19. Update your important pages on regular basis.
  20. Check your pages for broken links properly and try to fix them if found anyone.
  21. Use relevant Images for your webpage. A relevant image can increase the value of your webpage. Try to include at-least one Image per webpage with proper ALT tag..  Un-relevant Images can also tarnish your well crafted webpage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid on your website.

  1. Strange color combination that make is really hard to read your contents.
  2. Too small or too Large fonts on your web pages
  3. Unrelated advertisement on your webpage- that can distract your viewer/reader.
  4. Hidden text ( The text which match the background of your webpage color and does not appear or unreadable)
  5. Instances or 5 or 6 keywords that reappear in a row.
  6. Submitting to your website to FFA sites.
  7. Duplicate Pages, doorway pages and cloaked pages.
  8. Redirection from home page to other.
  9. Automated Submission of your websites using some sort of software.
  10. Submitting your site more than once in a month.
  11. Keyword stuffing in comment tags, Meta keyword tags and ALT tags.
  12. Participation in Link Farms.
  13. Use of  <Meta refresh>  tag in HTML header.
  14. Using Trademarks or Company Names belongs to others in your Meta tags.
If you Think all these things you can not handle easily and want a simple SEO software to streamline your on page optimization task, We highly recommend IBP and WebCEO. If you are running your site on wordpress, I personally recommend SEO Pressor.
These are some of most common On Page Search Engine Optimization tips and tricks. If you are ready to follow these tricks on your upcoming site or existing site. I am 200% sure you are going to rank your desired webpage on the first page of major search engine and will also receive a lots of targeted traffic.


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